An ultrasound examination is a painless, safe and precise method based on the reflection of ultrasound waves from different tissues. You can have an examination with or without a doctor’s referral.
The examination is performed by a radiologist
Ultrasound examinations are used to diagnose illnesses and assist sampling or injections in various procedures. An ultrasound examination is painless and safe. The examination is performed by a radiologist who makes a diagnosis based on the findings and symptoms.
An ultrasound examination is performed either lying down or sitting down. For the examination, gel is applied to the skin and the area is scanned by moving an ultrasonic sensor on the skin. The sensor sends sound waves to the tissues and receives their reflections, producing an image on the monitor. Breathing instructions may be given during the examination, if necessary. The examination takes 10–20 minutes, depending on the area being imaged. Please note that examinations of the stomach and urinary organs require some preparations.