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Sampling instructions

Always ask well in advance before any laboratory tests whether you need to prepare for the examination. By following the instructions, you can ensure that your laboratory results are as reliable as possible.


Samples taken at home, such as urine and stool samples, must be taken according to separate instructions in sampling containers provided by the SYNLAB laboratory. Do not use your own containers. Please make a separate appointment for collecting the sampling containers and returning the samples.

Blood sample

• Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled laboratory appointment so that you have time to sit down for a moment to balance your blood pressure. This ensures a high-quality sample.

• If you failed to follow any part of the instructions, please inform the person taking the sample.

Urine sample

• Urine tests (midstream sample of urine): Avoid eating and drinking during the night. You can drink one glass of water in the morning. Do not urinate for 4–6 hours before collecting the sample.


• For samples used for the testing of infections, urine must remain in the bladder for 4–6 hours or as long as possible.


• Urine cytology test (U-Syto-1): Empty your bladder about two hours before taking the sample and drink 0.5–1 litres of water. The urine sample is always collected in the laboratory.


• In case of other urine samples, follow the provided instructions. For 24-hour urine sample examinations (DU, cU), for example, our laboratories provide detailed instructions and tools for collection.

Throat culture

• Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes before the sample is taken. In addition, avoid using products which flush or disinfect the throat (such as mouth wash, lozenges, chewing gum).


• However, the throat sample -CtGcNho does not prevent you from eating or drinking.

ECG test or heart film

• Before the examination, we recommend avoiding heavy meals for 2 hours and stimulating drinks, such as coffee, tea and cola drinks, for 4 hours.


• Avoid exertion 15 minutes before registration. This prevents excessive resting heart rate.


• If you have never had this examination before, it will be explained to you step by step. The examination is completely painless.


• The ECG test, or heart film, takes about 20 minutes.


• The test is only available in some of our locations. Please contact our customer service to check the availability of ECG at your preferred location.