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Memory panel

10–14 hours of fasting before sampling
Blood test
Preparation instructions
Results in 1–3 days
Also available without a referral
Sampling between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. before possible thyroid medication

Possible additional tests

• ECG, especially when considering starting acetylcholinesterase inhibitor medication.

Head MRI as an additional examination

Imaging of the head and brain is also part of the basic examinations of memory disorders. A MRI scan of the head makes it possible to distinguish even minor changes caused by cerebral circulatory disorders.
Compared to a CT scan, an MRI scan shows the contraction of the inner temporal lobe and hippocampus, typical of Alzheimer’s disease, in more detail, often at an early stage of the disease. MRI is more recommended than CT, especially in the early stages of the disease and when trying to distinguish Alzheimer’s disease from depression or other psychiatric disorders.